LinkedIn gave me my first international gig

Victoria Olamide
1 min readAug 20, 2024


LinkedIn gave me my first International gig on the 24th of May💃🏻💃🏻

I remember how I used to feel that
LinkedIn was just too overwhelming
With people always having news to share

Then I became intentional with my brand,
And I was genuinely cheering everyone else,
While working tirelessly and expecting my own

And then it happened, within 3 months of being consistent

Someone reached out to me

He needed investors for his business
So he can build & launch his company

And guess what?
He chose me!

I didn’t realize he was requesting my services
Until he emphasized it to make it clear 🫣

I’m so excited about this and can’t wait to see the incredible success we achieve

Don’t be scared to put yourself out there
Build your brand & sell yourself unashamedly
Your own clients will definitely locate you soon

I’m Victoria Olamide, the Project Queen
Need this kind of service? Send me a DM

Repost ♻️ to inspire differently

PS: What is the most significant factor that can positively transform your business as a business owner?

