My mentee landed her first gig 2 weeks after joining LinkedIn

Victoria Olamide
1 min readAug 20, 2024


I feel like screaming from the rooftop! 💃🏻💃🏻
That proud mentor’s moment🥰

I recall when she met me last year October
She wanted to transition into project management

I saw her motivation and we discussed her next steps:

→ She applied and took all the necessary courses
→ She was able to take those courses at no cost
→ She finished & started her brand on LinkedIn
→ She figured out her niche and her TA
→ She then got clarity on her offer

She optimized her profile & started building her brand

One thing I admired about her was her energy
And her determination to learn and succeed

She is always ready to implement what she learns

This could be your story too if you’re willing to take that step
Start today and your future self will be glad you did

Got value? Kindly repost ♻️ to help a growing creator

P.S: It gives me so much joy to celebrate my mentees.🥰

P.S.S: Have you ever worked with someone who matches your energy? How does that feel?

